It is virtually impossible to distinguish and pinpoint an invisible enemy, let alone defeat one. The evil mastermind, Al-Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl is one such enemy who has been busy spreading a great fitnah all over the world for over 500 years. But what exactly is the great fitnah? You may ask!
To answer that question, the opening chapter elucidates how various forms of fitnah may corrupt societies. In the main section, the book explores the achievements of the followers of the Shaitan and the Antichrist during the past 500 years, showing with historical evidence how their schemes succeeded in advancing their evil rule. For the benefit of the reader, the book chapters are organised in chronological order.
Timing is pivotal. This book could not have been written half a century ago. Recent events in the global geopolitical arena have made it possible to see through the veil of secrecy that has been in place for many centuries. The curtain on the big secret is being lifted. We are approaching a new dawn.
There is no denying that humanity is going through the darkest hour in human history, and this period of tribulation and affliction is mentioned in Hadith (the saying of the Prophet (PBUH)). The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH) warned us about the end of times fitnah. Fitnah is an Arabic word and has multiple meanings, including temptation, test, trial, sedition, civil strife, and conflict. It can also mean division between two or more groups.
Once the Prophet (PBUH) stood over one of the high buildings of Medina and then said (to the people), “Do you see what I see?” They said, “No.” He said, “I see afflictions falling among your houses as rain drops fall.” (Sahih al-Bukhari: 7060)
When the Dajjal (the Antichrist) physically appears, it will be an extremely difficult time for those who seek to protect their faith (emaan). Many will fail in this test. Amongst the regular followers of the Antichrist will be thousands of Ulama and many women from the Ummah. How is this possible, you may ask? If we think of the Antichrist solely as a person who comes at the ends of times, the understanding of this concept becomes difficult. However, when we realise that an evil system is already in place preparing for his arrival, then the concept of his followers becomes more understandable.
In the Qur’an, Allah (SWT) blesses those who show patience when they are afflicted. The whole Qur’an is all about giving hope to the people and encouraging people to stay steadfast on the path of righteousness. Allah (SWT) assures us in Surah Ash-Sharh;
So, surely with hardship comes ease. Surely with ‘that’ hardship comes ‘more’ ease. (Qur’an 94:5-6)
Human history is a history of struggle against evil. The war between good and evil has existed since antiquity. We can certainly say that our forefather, the very first human being, Adam (AS), was created solely for this purpose: and the purpose, is to obey divine commands. Allah (SWT) commands us to “enjoin good and forbid evil.”
“˹It is the believers˺ who repent, who are devoted to worship, who praise ˹their Lord˺, who fast, who bow down and prostrate themselves, who encourage good and forbid evil, and who observe the limits set by Allah (SWT). And give good news to the believers.” (Qur’an 9:112)
In the past, from time to time, whenever humanity found itself lost and oppressed, unable to free itself from the clutches of tyrants and traps set by the Shaitan (Satan), Allah (SWT) sent messengers to guide people back to the right path. Now, in the 21st century, humanity has lost its compass once again. But Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the last of the messengers.
Tyrants have overtaken positions in the corridors of power once again in almost every country, and they are working in a synchronised way to oppress the people everywhere. The power is mostly in the hands of greedy, deceitful, and liars. Intentionally or unintentionally, knowingly or unknowingly, these leaders have become the followers of the Antichrist.
In fact, the wrongdoers merely follow their desires with no knowledge. Who then can guide those Allah (SWT) has left to stray? They will have no helpers. (Qur’an 30:29)